
Nalezeno "the B Word": 17

Open Roads: The Kotaku Review

Playing Open Roads constantly drags up old memories from my mind. A road trip with my mother along the Pacific Coast Highway, packing boxes and trash bags while clearing out my grandfather’s house after his death–it’s a game that feels primed to make you reminisce. Like the disparate memories...

Thanks To Hits Like Wordle, The New York Times Is Now A Gaming Company

The New York Times might be best known for its long-running newspaper. But new data shows that thanks to popular games like Wordle, Strands, Connections, and more, the Times has quietly become a video game company that just so happens to have a newspaper subscription, too. Read more

Today’s NYT Connections Puzzle Is A Cruel April Fools' Joke

Just a few months ago, I was incapable of completing the New York Times’ Connections puzzles. Now, I can usually do the daily word-based puzzle without too much of a hassle—which is why today’s version has got me (and others) so irrationally angry. You see, today, April 1, 2024, I opened up the...

Argentina’s Milei Blasts Collectivism at Davos: ‘The West Is in Danger’

Javier Milei, the president of Argentina, blasted what he perceives to be the advance of collectivist ideas in Western society at the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2024 annual meeting at Davos, warning about the dangers these represent for the quality of life in the world. Milei explained that these...

Hurdle Gives Wordle Addicts Five Times The Hit

Wordle produces more variants than the most prolific of viruses, with new ones finding their way to wider popularity every day. The one I’ve most recently caught is Hurdle, where you have to complete five of the five-letter word puzzles in a row.Read more

Science Has Figured Out The Worst Starting Word In Wordle

You might think you are good at Wordle, with your favorite starting word and all that. But a real Wordle expert can complete puzzles using the worst starting word as determined recently by a computer and TikTok user.Read more

Tech Dude Rips Off Wordle, Angers Internet

Daily word-guessing game Wordle has taken the internet by storm. Despite its huge newfound success, creator Josh Wardle said he wants to keep the hit web browser game demonetized and ad-free. But one app developer had other plans, and he’s now quickly become Twitter’s main character of the day.Read...

Free From Stadia, Lost Words' Story Hits Hard

Lost Words: Beyond the Page is poised to snag a second lease on life. First released last spring as a Stadia exclusive, the idyllic puzzle-platformer from Sketchbook Games, officially released yesterday for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and the Switch (where I’ve been playing). Lost Words sports...

Better Line Breaks for Long URLs

CSS-Tricks has covered how to break text that overflows its container before, but not much as much as you might think. Back in 2012, Chris penned “Handling Long Words and URLs (Forcing Breaks, Hyphenation, Ellipsis, etc)” and it is still … The post Better Line Breaks for Long URLs appeared...

BitAmp – The Next New Open Source Wallet

With the recent rise of Bitcoin prices and the Bitcoin halvening, new entrants into the cryptocurrency field may wonder where they can self-custody their Bitcoin in the most secure way. BitAmp’s Emphasis on Privacy and Security The developers behind new entrant Bitamp’s Bitcoin wallet...

Where Lines Break is Complicated. Here’s all the Related CSS and HTML.

Say you have a really long word within some text inside an element that isn't wide enough to hold it. A common cause of that is a long URL finding it's way into copy. What happens? It depends on the CSS. How that CSS is controlling the layout and what the CSS is telling the text to do. This...

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